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When a black activist organized a protest and a white officer organized resources to maintain peace in downtown Conroe after George Floyd's death, they decided to work together.  They would go on to form the most  unlikely friendship, which led to the possibility of this project.  LaDon Johnson and Brent Stowe both love working with their community and have a specific passion for fitness and youth outreach programs.  They jokingly talked about opening a non-profit gym in the distant future and working together to mentor youth.  God had other plans and His timeline moved this project way up.  Suddenly this local dilapidated black college came to their attention.  Then a construction superintendent, who loved their story, stumbled onto the scene and wanted to see this project take shape.  Led to work together they will bridge gaps, forge relationships in the community and make the Conroe Community Youth Development Center a reality.  The CCYDC will offer many educational programs for youth and adults in our community.  Some programs will be geared towards adolescent education and career development for underserved.  It will also offer mentoring programs for troubled youth and optional community service programs in partnership with local court systems.  The historic and majestic building already has several classrooms, a kitchen, offices and an event hall.  Once this 20 acre project is completed the property will offer nine classroom spaces, an event hall, a gym and a football field.  The CCYDC is so much more than a renovation project.  It's God's plan to bring together two imperfect men with two totally different backgrounds with a common love and passion to mold young men and women in their community so they have a better chance at success in life.  The Northside Sports Association (junior high and high school football program) and the Good Brothers and Sister of Montgomery County have already touched the lives of hundreds of young adults within their own programs existence.  The completion of this project would allow CCYDC to reach thousands of young adults and offer so much more to the community.  It will also serve as a home for NSA and GBGS, established 501c3 programs, who will continue to operate individually, and jointly to assist in this project's success.

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